Show Notes:

Getting your first hunting license is easy, if you know what you want to hunt. There are a lot of licenses, tags, and add-ons you can buy that can add up to a serious chunk of money and most new hunters have no use for all of them. In this episode we look at deciding what you want to hunt before you head to the store. 

Key Take Aways:

  • Think about the game in your area, what you want to hunt, have opportunity to hunt, and have equipment to hunt. Then buy only those tags.
  • You can always buy more tags later if the opportunity to hunt something comes up, but keep the cash in your pocket until it looks like you will actually be able to pursue that game.
  • Think about game that requires special tags, like antlerless deer, and handle those right away.
  • How to easily navigate the complex process of antlerless deer tags.
  • When in doubt, ask the game commission questions, they are often happy to help.

Show Notes:

If there is one official hurdle to getting started in hunting it is the hunters safety course. The course isn’t hard, but figuring out how and where to take it, and what is the official course for your state can be more challenging that most people think, especially because lots of online education companies claim to be offering something that sounds like what you want. But they are not certified by the game commission in your state to give you the certificate you need to get your first hunting license. 

This episode will help you navigate the hurdles and get you or the person you are helping into the woods quickly and painlessly. Plus it will help you get the most out of the opportunity that taking this course provides, after all, you are in a room full of other hunters and future hunters, you can really benefit from the connections you make here.

Key Take Aways:

  • Always attend your safety course in person when possible, it’s a great opportunity to network, meet local hunters, and try to find information about where you can hunt.
  • Do not trust online hunters safety courses unless they are offered or recommended directly by your state game commission. When in doubt, call your state game commission to ask.
  • Visit this site for links to each state’s local government to search for your game commission’s page 
  • Visit here for the humane society’s list of most state’s game, fish, or conservation agencies. Be warned, it’s not 100% complete, but it will help most people.
  • Enjoy the class, it’s not hard, and it will help you think more about how to hunt and how to be safe and successful. 

Show Notes:

What is the worst rifle for deer hunting? Well the answer differs some depending on your hunting situation but there are some common things to watch out for.  On this week’s episode I share my own personal experience with my “worst” hunting rifle and give some tips to help you avoid the same mistakes I made.

Here are some take aways:

  • A rifle that is too heavy will be hard to carry, hard to shoulder, and hard to be quite with.
  • A gun that is too long will be awkward and cumbersome, difficult to store and again hard to be quite with.
  • A firearm that has been heavily modified may loose some reliability and not function as consistently.
  • A rifle that does not complement your hunting situation will make things more difficult, for example a rifle setup for short range brush hunting will be hard to use well at long range, etc.
  • A gun that you are not familiar with and well trained with can be both a safety concern and something that is hard to use quickly when you need it.

And last but not least, here is a photo of the heavily modified and relatively ineffective Mosin Nagant 91/30 that I talked about in the show.

Show Notes:

This is a hotly debated topic but there are some simple, practical guidelines to help you get started and make smart decisions.

In this episode George shares about the 90% of the time you do not need to carry a handgun while hunting and the 90% of the time you certainly should carry a handgun while scouting.

The bottom line is safety and practicality. In some situations carrying a handgun ads to your safety and makes you feel safer which helps you to better enjoy your time in the woods, other times it is a liability and is just another thing to manage, not drop, and try to keep dry.

The answer to the debate could be different depending on how experienced the hunter is. Always try to honestly evaluate your skill level and needs.

Also, an important note, be sure to know and abide by your state’s carry laws. Some states require special permits, and some have special regulations. Also be careful to follow the regulations of your states game commission.

Show Notes:

After years of relentless research, first hand experience, reading book after book and article after article, talking with experts and attending seminars, and spending many days in the woods pursuing almost every type of game native to his state, he developed a practical well rounded hunting knowledge.  Perhaps even more important than hunting knowledge, he developed a strong appreciation for the outdoors and a desire for more people to share his passion of fresh air and captivating landscapes.

The New Hunters Guide is simply the podcast George wishes he would have had when learning how to hunt; a single place to get practical hands on knowledge about different kinds of hunting, affordable gear, and tips that can exponentially improve your comfort and fun factor in the woods.

Show Notes:

George Konetes is a professor, pastor, digital media professional, husband and father. He is also an avid lover of the outdoors.

George started his hunting journey at about 30 years old. Since childhood he had a desire to hunt but didn’t have any opportunities to hunt or any family members that hunted. Eventually he decided he was going to give it a try and started down the path.  What he didn’t realize was how big of a challenge learning to hunt was going to be. He was starting at ground zero with no network, precious few friends that had ever walked into the woods, and not even an idea of where to look for information.

Sitting in the office one day he just felt compelled to find a reason to spend time outside and be in the woods. He was also motivated by his baby boy, wanting to build a hobby that they could later share.

Show Notes:

Too often people have a desire to go hunting, to get outside, to try something new but they never follow through on it. They might live with mild regret, or an unfulfilled dream, but that can change! You can do it!

Hunting is not about guns, it’s not about killing animals, it’s about getting outside and enjoying God’s creation. It’s exciting, motivating, and rewarding, and if you feel any pull to try it, you should go for it. There are 101 things that convince people not to take that next step. It’s too hard, no one you know is doing it, you have to grow up doing it, it’s too expensive, you don’t know where to start, etc.

None of those is true!

  • It’s not too hard, and we are here to guide you.
  • Chances are multiple people you know are doing it, or will start when they see you break the mold and go for it.
  • I walked into the woods for my first time at about 30 years old, and I didn’t even have this podcast to help me get started.
  • Hunting can be very inexpensive to get started, I started with $30 worth of orange gear and an old rifle that cost $140 and had a wonderful time!
  • You know where to start, it’s with listening to this episode of the podcast, and then go from there.

Show Notes:

The New Hunters Guide is a website and podcast dedicated to helping new hunters get started and helping active hunters learn new things.

Our one big thing is to help get you into the woods and enjoy being outside. There is so much fresh air out there; someone needs to breathe it in. There are so many beautiful sunrises with rays of light glittering through misty treetops; someone needs to see them. There are so many amazing animals in the forest; someone needs to search them out. It should be you!  Continue reading →