Show Notes:

Every year October comes and many hunters begrudgingly suffer poor hunt after poor hunt at the hands of the mysterious “October lull”. On this episode I  shine some light on the mystery  and provide some strategic insight to help you be successful all month long.


  • The October lull is a thing.
  • It is NOT what most hunters claim it to be.
  • It is 100% understandable and controllable.
  • Three big things happen in October that impact whitetail deer habits and patterns.
    • Lots of hunters are going into the woods.
    • There is a seasonal habitat shift.
    • Deer begin to get their winter coats.
  • You can have great hunts in October.
  • Even still, October may not be the month you want to focus all of your energies.
  • Listen to the episode to hear the full story.

Show Notes:

The question comes up again and again every whitetail deer hunting season, you saw a doe with fawns and are not sure if you should take a shot. Or worse, you did harvest the doe and then noticed the fawns, will they survive the winter? On this episode I answer this questions with more than just opinions and feelings, I dig down to the real facts.


  • Almost all fawns are completely weened by September 1st.
  • Bear cubs will not usually survive the winter without their mother because bears are primarily predators.
  • Deer fawns do not rely on their mother to hunt or teach them hunting strategy.
  • Fawns are fully equipped to join the heard by the end of August.
  • Fawns will be easily assimilated into the heard upon loosing their mother, if they haven’t been already.
  • Does may still be wet in late December, but that does NOT mean fawns are dependent on them.
  • The game commission times the seasons to make sure fawns are not still dependent on their mothers.
  • It is the mother deer that kick their sons out of the heard once they are old enough to breed. They do not remain a family unit for long.

Show Notes:

In many traditions doe hunting has been frowned upon, but the reasons for that simply do not hold up under scrutiny. On this episode I examine and debunk several of the core issues that have held people back from the fun and benefits of hunting whitetail does.

Take Aways

When many people think about deer hunting they think about hunting bucks. Generations of tradition have ingrained this thinking but it is based on several flawed premises:

  • There are not enough whitetail deer in the woods so we need to save the herd by saving the does – False
  • If it wasn’t for people, there would be more deer in the woods – False
  • There are not enough bucks or not enough big bucks, if we pass on does then there will be more bucks – False
  • When they allocate doe tags, the game commission is telling us how many does the herd can survive without – False
  • Does are too easy to hunt and they are not sporting game – False
  • Does do not have enough meat on them to be worth taking – False
  • Does are not fun to hunt – False
  • Does are not trophies – False

Listen to the episode to hear how many of these anti-doe hunting myths are easily debunked.


Show Notes:

A trail camera is more than a tool, it is a hobby, a pursuit, and one of the most fun parts of hunting during the off season. On this episode I talk about the best things trail cameras can do for you to improve your deer hunt and your overall experience as an outdoorsman.

Take Aways

  • There are two major categories of benefits for game cameras, enjoyment and intelligence. You are using the camera to improve your hunt or to have fun, or both.
  • Game cameras do cost money, but they are the only peace of hunting gear you can enjoy year-round.
  • When it comes to trail cameras there are two most important features. No-glow or low-glow nighttime bulbs and warrantee.
  • An infra-red flash or white light nighttime flash will spook game and cause problems. Avoid these cheaper camera types.
  • The number one issue with trail cameras is that they break, deteriorate, and just don’t last more than a couple years. Having a good warrantee both assures that the camera will perform for a minimum amount of time and that the overall function of the camera will be good.
  • Companies do not put good warrantees on junk cameras. If the warrantee is good, you can assume the technical specs of the camera will be good enough as well.

Show Notes:

You do not need to have hundreds of acres to have a great hunt. In fact you can hunt whitetail deer very successfully on small properties, even those with as few as just a couple acres. On this episode I talk about how to amplify your deer hunting success when you have limited amounts of land available.

Take Aways

  • An acre is about 208′ x 208′ that is all the space you need to hunt with a bow or a rifle, IF you can get the deer into that space.
  • Contrary to popular belief, anything under about 1,500 acres is a “small” property because it does not encompass the 24 hours a day, 365 days a year life of a deer. So if you have less land than that, you need some to have some small parcel strategies in play.
  • A property does not need to contain everything deer need to survive and thrive, in fact, you only need one thing, a reason for them to walk across your land.
  • Do not focus on what you lack, focus on what you have or can affect.
  • Do not worry about what your neighbors have, in fact use what your neighbors have to your advantage.
  • Only about 5% of whitetail deer properties are managed well enough to be a day time buck herd influencer.
  • You can be smarter than most of the people around you, even if they have better land and more resources.


Show Notes:

With modern day broadheads it is hard to go wrong in what you select, but certain types of broadheads may be better for certain kinds of whitetail deer hunting and for new hunters. On this episode I talk about the different types of broadheads and the factors that go into making the best decision of what you should get started with.

Take Aways

  • Field Tips. These are rounded or pointed practice arrow heads, not usable for hunting but they work great on a target.
  • Fixed Position Broadheads. These are your standard firm configuration, the modern titanium equivalent to the stone arrow heads used in ancient times.
  • Mechanical Broadheads. These look like a field tip but the blades expand out on impact with the target.
  • Hybrid Broadheads. These have moderate fixed blades with expanded blades that pop out on impact.
  • Each type of broadhead has pros and cons. Listen to the episode to sort through those factors to pick the one that is best for you.

Show Notes:

Few things are more exciting than taking a buck after a lot of hard work and weeks of expectation. What you do next with that trophy should be something you have already considered and planned out, not something you jump into with while overcome with emotion. On this episode I dig into what you need to think about and plan for so that when you do take a great deer your next steps can be informed, thoughtful, and hopefully not a huge waste of money.

Take Aways

  • Mounting the head and neck of a deer is expensive, takes up a lot of space, and is a process. It is not a decision to make spur of the moment.
  • If you wait until you have a deer on the ground before considering these things you will very likely do something you regret later. Adrenaline, excitement, and fatigue can prompt you to do all kinds of things.
  • There are many easier and simpler ways to turn your buck into a trophy that you can be thrilled with for decades to come.
  • Most new hunters would be served best with a whitetail or turkey mount that is easy and inexpensive like these:

Show Notes:

A lot of people think food plots are beyond what they can achieve or afford. But there are great options out there you can start with, such as white clover that can be planted with no equipment, needs minimal space, and grows back every year. On this episode I dig into the details of getting started on cheap, fast, and easy clover plots.

Take Aways

  • The best times of the year to plant clover are early spring and late summer, either of which can help impact your whitetail deer or turkey hunting success.
  • You do not need to till the ground to plant clover, in fact there are good reasons not to till.
  • You can plant a half acre or less plot with the best white clover seed on planet earth for less than $30.
  • Clover is roughly 30% protein and is loved by deer and turkey. Bonus fact, it can double as a survival food for humans if you boil it before eating.
  • Clover grows back every year, which means once you get the plot established, all you need to do is maintain it and it can last for years and years.
  • Planting can be fun, it can even become its own off season side hobby like hunting for antler sheds.
  • Listen to the episode to hear the full story! 


Show Notes:

The mock scrape and trail camera combination may be the single most powerful reconnaissance strategy for hunting whitetails that there is, at least for new hunters. On this episode I talk about the best time of year to get out there and setup mock scrapes and trail cameras, both for archery and rifle season.

Take Aways

  • Mock scrapes are great because they focus deer movement for a variety of reasons and they are essentially free.
    • For the cost of some string you can increase your chances of seeing whitetails on camera and in front of your hunting setup.
  • The best way to make good use of a trail camera is to assume it is terrible and will only get photos of what is directly in front of it.
    • If you have a better detection cone then great, but don’t count on it.
  • Setting up scrapes and cameras and checking them, going through the photos, and being outside in the summer can be almost as much fun as hunting. Enjoy every aspect of the hunt.
  • Remember deer often change their habits and locations between summer and late fall.
    • As the cover and food sources change, so do their travel and bedding areas.
    • Do not rely on scouting or camera data that is months old to determine where you hunt.
    • Regularly check trail cameras between August 1 and when you plan to hunt. I recommend every 2 weeks.
  • Stay out of the woods a couple weeks before hunting season starts, let the woods rest from human scent and interference.
  • Listen to this episode to find the best time of year to setup mock scrapes and trail cameras for whitetail deer hunting.