Show Notes:

Calling is one of the most engaging parts of duck hunting. It is a real life example of talking to the animals! On this episode I talk about how to get started in the world of ducks call, both what calls to purchase and how to use them.

Take Aways

  • With few exceptions, most duck hunters only need a mallard hen duck call.
  • There are only two calls you need to be proficient with to get started, the quack and the hail call. If you can do those you can call in ducks.
  • For new hunters especially, less calling is usually best. Let your call get their attention and let your decoys to the rest.
  • There are lots of calls and types of calls on the market. Wood calls, plastic calls, polycarbonate calls, ceramic calls, the list goes on. Not to mention single reed, double reed, triple reed, and don’t forget about different kinds of reeds. The sky is the limit.
  • You do not need a call with lots of bells and whistles, great flexibility of tonal range, or excessive resonance capabilities for more volume. You just a call that is easy to blow and sounds like a duck. That’s it.
  • There is no reason to pay for a lot of features that you are not skilled enough to make use of or appreciate. And even then, there is debate if a $150 call really appeals to ducks any more than a $30 call.
  • I recommend getting something inexpensive that is robust and reliable.

I called in my first duck on my first ever duck hunt with a Ryloh Game Calls mallard hen call. This call has three traits that I really like:

  1. It is easy for beginners to blow and make ducks sounds.
  2. It is easy to blow loudly.
  3. It is 100% reliable. I have more expensive and fancier calls that need disassembled and cleaned regularly or they stop working. This one works all the time, every time, I have never once cleaned it.

Riley is not a sponsor and I get no kickbacks, but at my request he agreed to give a 10% discount to all New Hunters Guide listeners. Just go to his website and use the code nhgcast at checkout for the 10% discount.




Show Notes:

Duck hunting takes more gear than most other types of hunting, BUT you can get started with a few must haves and then later add on the should haves. On this episode I go into some detail about all the gear you need for duck hunting and how you can break into the sport the easiest and the cheapest way.

Must Haves

  • All the required hunting licenses – This will include some mix of general state hunting license, state duck hunting license, and federal duck depending on where you live.
  • Shotgun – Whatever you already have or can borrow is the best place to start! Hunt, learn, and then decide what would be best for you to buy.
  • Steel Shot – Start cheap, more expensive shot can come later.
  • Cheap Waders – A pair of super cheap $30-$50 waders can get you into the game for your first hunt. You can patch holes, but they likely wont make it to a second season. However you are loosing nothing by starting cheap. You dollar-per-season wader cost will not be worse than if you get better waders. If a $40 pair lasts one season and a $200 pair lasts five seasons, the cost per season is the same but the barrier to entry is lower. Granted, the better waders will be MUCH nicer. But you can get those next year.
  • Headlamp – Expensive options get you very little more function than cheap ones. Waterproofing is about the only feature worth paying more for.
  • Ear Protection – Never get into a duck blind without ear protection. Start with the cheapest foam ear plugs money can buy then work your way up to better electronic options, I think Tetra Hearing makes the best ear protection in the industry but they are most likely a second or third season purchase for most new waterfowl hunters. Keep in mind a good earplug strategy can make the difference between foam ear plugs being a usable tool and something that ruins your hunt. Tetra Hearing Free 2-Year Service Plan. Just add this Service Plan to your cart and use this code at checkout: NEWHUNTERSGUIDE
  • Decoys + Decoy rigs/anchors + Decoy Bag – You can start with as few as 6-12 decoys. You want some cheap, small, and durable mallard decoys. Pay up for fancy ones down the road.
  • A Duck Call – A mallard hen call is all you need to get started. I called in my first duck ever with a Ryloh Workingman Mallard Hen.
  • Waste Up Camo – You should be hidden well for duck hunting, little below your shoulders should ever be visible.
  • A Good Hide – Many duck hunters, including experts build their own duck blind on location with whatever they can find that day. This should cost you $0 to get started.
  • Seat – You need something that will keep you dry, comfort is a plus. Consider a short folding stool, a turkey chair, a piece of an exercise mat, or just a bucket with a lid.

Should Haves

  • Jerk Rig – Something to create motion on water when the wind isn’t blowing.
  • Decoy Gloves – Something waterproof is a must have for cold days with cold water.
  • Good Waders – You cannot hunt forever with junk waders, this is often the first piece of gear to upgrade once you get going. 
  • Call Lanyard – Keeps you calls handy so you can grab them with minimal movement, and keeps them from getting lost in the mud.
  • Decoy/Gear Transportation – A Jed Sled is ideal once you have more gear than you can carry on your back, but a cart or kayak are good options too, if you have them.  
  • Cold Weather Gear – As the season progresses you will need items that are wind and waterproof. Warm gear will help extend your season.
  • A Hand Warming Plan – Some people like warm gloves, a callers glove, a warmer muff or just pockets with handwarmers. Get some experience and see what you prefer.

There is always more, the sky is the limit. But this my list for beginner duck hunters. Most of this gear will be well suited for goose hunting too except for the call and decoys. Listen to the episode for more details about each and how to get cost effective options. 

Show Notes:

There are many ways to hunt ducks and each has a time and place where it is effective. But most people only have the right conditions, gear, and access to implement a few different approaches. On this episode I cover four big strategies for hunting in different conditions to help get you started.

4 Duck Hunting Strategies

  1. Jump Hunting – This is essentially stalking ducks on foot, trying to get the jump on them. This is difficult to do but it requires the least amount of gear and money to get started with.
  2. Field Hunting – Here you are looking for feeding areas where you can setup with land decoys, a blind, and calls. It is similar to water hunting but you don’t need any water gear. However most new hunters do not have access to cut grain fields that would be ideal for this.
  3. Water Hunting – This is the number one way most new hunters will get into the sport. Setting up a good hide next to some water with floating decoys while trying to call ducks into you. Tried and true. 
  4. Boat Hunting – If you have kayak or canoe you can get into marshy areas and setup decoys in order to hunt from your boat or you can stash your boat and sit or stand in reeds and thick cover and try to call them into your decoys from there.  


Show Notes:

The most important thing you need to hunt ducks, is ducks. Scouting makes a successful hunt possible. On this episode I talk about several strategies for finding a good spot to hunt ducks without needing to invest an unrealistic amount of time and effort.

Take Aways

  • Ducks only need a stream that is a few feet wide to attract them if it is accessible from the air.
  • Super small ponds can be perfect places for resident and migrating ducks.
  • Big streams and lakes can be good spots if they are shallow enough for you to place decoys and retrieve birds.
  • Wheat fields, corn fields, and most cut grain can be excellent feeding areas.
  • Ducks land into the wind, so you should never set up with the wind blowing directly into your face, else they will not be able to land within range.
  • The water almost cannot be too shallow, remember many are called “puddle ducks”. Deeper is not better.
  • The best spots have cover near by that you can easily use to help your hide.
  • The best time to scout for aerial activity is early morning or late afternoon.
  • You can scout ducks midday to try and find them loafing and resting on the water, that will let you know they are in the area.
  • Just because you think ducks would like an area does not mean they really do, always scout and check first to save time hunting.
  • When you are scouting, look for ducks, look for duck sign, and listen for ducks. You want to find where they want to be but you always want to confirm they are in the area.
  • You want to setup “On The X”. This is the mysterious and mythical target spot that ducks will fly directly to as soon as they have enough light to move. It is your goal, but it is not always possible find such a place. 


Show Notes:

Duck hunting is an amazing tradition and American past time that is both fun and challenging to break into. In this episode I talk about the three major parts of duck hunting to help orient you to the sport so you can get started!

The three “S”s of Duck Hunting Are:

  1. Stuff – This is your equipment, great, decoys, calls, trinkets and the many small and large things that are used to hunt ducks. You do not need it all to get started!
  2. Setup – This encompasses everything related to where you will hunt, finding a place, getting there, and preparing a good place to hide. There are no shortcuts here.
  3. Strategy – Everything relating to the methods and tactics you use for the hunt falls into this buckets. Your calling, decoy spread, motion rigs, when to call and when to be still, when to pass on a shot and when to take it.

The most important thing to keep in mind is that you can start small, and grow from there. Small stuff, small setup, and small strategy. Do not feel like you need to dive in with both feet. Get a sense for what you can reasonable do and just do that.

Growing and expanding will happen easily if you stick with it. The hardest part is just finding a place to start and starting!


Show Notes:

Duck hunting is an amazing pursuit and there is good reason it quickly becomes a consuming hobby for many of those who give it a try. On this episode I talk about the top 10 reasons you should hunt ducks!

Take Aways

  • There is nothing like duck hunting, and there are few pursuits that can be done as many ways as duck hunting. It is a fun, versatile, and rewarding experience.
  • If you do not like deer hunting there is a very good chance you will adore waterfowl hunting. It is an active and interactive style of hunting that is not boring and often has a lot of action.
  • Ducks come in all shapes, sizes, and flavors. And you can hunt more than one at the same time. There is so much variety that for everything you might not like, there are many more things you can find to thoroughly enjoy.
  • Some people say duck hunting is too expensive to get started in, but that is because you are thinking about it like a lone hunter. This is a team sport. If you have three people that share in getting the necessary equipment, it can be cheaper than most types of hunting.
  • Hunting on the water at dawn is one of the most beautiful experiences in all of creation. This is a wonderful way to enjoy being outside!
  • Listen to the episode to hear the top 10 reasons to hunt ducks.


Show Notes:

Today was a dream come true in the turkey woods! Gobbler down within 5 minutes of legal shooting time! But it didn’t happen by accident, this turkey hunt took strategy, preseason work, and a carefully thought out plan including tactics that are out of the ordinary for me.  On this episode I share the story and the strategy.

  • I am so excited and so thankful to God, Josh for letting me hunt here, my family supporting my hunting season absences, and everyone who has helped me learn, grow, and acquire effective equipment over the years.
  • This was an awesome hunt, even though it was short. It’s the stuff that dreams are made of, taking a long beard at daybreak on opening day! Especially since I got skunked last season. It felt like a redemption moment.

Check out the video for the full story and the five strategies that helped me take this beautiful bird. 


Show Notes:

You cannot always control what comes at you in life, but you can decide how you will react. On this episode I share about how hunting not only helped me to survive a year of pandemic, but it helped me to thrive, to come out better.

  • Often in life we find ourselves in a mess because of our own mistakes or choices. Sometimes we are in difficult places because of someone else’s mistakes and choices. And then there are times where our lives are impacted by factors beyond the control or negligence of ourselves or those around us. Those can be exceptionally hard times because we do not understand the reason or the solution. We feel powerless in the face of factors beyond our control. But we are NOT powerless.
  • We have complete control over how we respond, how we bounce back, how we focus our thoughts and our lives. We can be driven to internalize our frustrations and fears, we can let those emotions lash out at people or groups, or we can let those forces propel us on to something good. Maybe even something better.
  • COVID pushed me deeper into the woods, more into my family, and more into God’s beautiful creation. I didn’t like everything about the past year by any means, but I focused myself on things that were good. And that didn’t just help me to get through, I came through better in many ways. This has been a year of thriving for me. The good outweighed the bad, the fun outweighed the loss, the beauty outweighed the ugly, and the peace outweighed the turmoil.

No matter what comes next, you don’t have to defer your thriving. You can thrive in spite of what happens. You can have your best  year yet.


Show Notes:

Turkeys behave differently as the day wears on, so to boost your odds of success you need to adjust your strategies right along with them. On this episode I talk about a variety of late morning turkey hunting tactics.

Take Aways

  • Prime turkey hunting is usually the first hour or two of daylight, but it is only prime because birds make the most noise and are the easiest to locate.
  • Turkeys can be called and taken just as well as the morning goes on. But the game changes as the sun rises.
  • Late morning you need to hunt sign, travel areas, and where you heard the birds and called to them early on.
  • Tom will at times come back after the hens have left them, if you were close to them early, you have a chance in that same general area later.
  • Covering ground becomes a different game as the day wears on. But patience and persistence are both rewarded.
  • Listen to the episode to hear a variety of late morning tactics.


Show Notes:

Hunting where turkeys are supersedes all gear and every skill, nothing can help you unless you hunt near birds. On this episode I explain how to find a great spot to hunt gobblers be it on public or private land.

Take Aways

  • Turkeys need food, and occasionally take a drink as well.
  • Turkeys love three main habitat features; open hardwoods, cover, and grassy fields
  • If you hunt where turkey’s want to be and spend their time you will have drastically more success than if you just hunt random areas.
  • Turkey’s are upland birds, so focus your search on places that are dry and support good tree growth.
  • Whenever you are hunting you should also be scouting, trying to determine where your next hunt should be.
  • Turkeys are perhaps most visible when flying up to a high tree to sleep, if you can catch a glimpse in the evening you have found a spot.
  • Birds can move quite a bit of distance in a day, but they often roost in the same areas, look for roosting evidence.
  • Every time of day has its advantages for scouting. Try scout early in the morning to listen for gobbles, or mid day to look for ground sign, and late in the day to see them going to roost.
  • Listen to the episode to learn how to find a great turkey hunting spot.