Show Notes:

No matter how you prefer to hunt turkeys, it is good to have options for when things end up being different from the ideal situation. On this episode I cover several advanced strategies for hunting spring gobblers. These are not strategies I recommend you lead with, but they are extra tools in your toolbox to help you up your game.

Take Aways:

  • Roosting birds can be a great technique for hard to hunt gobblers, and/or when you have the time and knowledge of the landscape to keep tabs on where birds spend their time and where they fly up to sleep.
  • Moving and calling can be a good way to shake things up when a bird gets stuck. Moving a little further and playing hard to get can be a great approach, as can moving side-to-side and calling.
  • Decoys are often just as much liability as benefit, but in certain situations, like with picky toms, or outside of a blind at a fields edge they can be helpful for sealing the deal. Just make sure if you do get some, you get ones that really look like turkeys.
  • Out calling hens is an approach where you try to beat the other hens in the woods at their own game by sounding like an entire flock of turkeys yourself. It’s risky but it can be a way to win a distracted gobblers attention.
  • Ambush hunting involves using your knowledge of a toms habits or making the best use of the available terrain to out do a wary bird, or one that does not answer to any calls.


Show Notes:

Field dressing and preparing a turkey to cook is a fast and easy process, it is something that any beginner can do and there is lots of margin for error. On today’s episode I talk about the actual process, how you can overcome any “yuck” factor, and the best way for beginners to approach cleaning a turkey. You do not need any special tools or skills, once you’ve shot the turkey the hard part is over. 

Take Aways:

  • Field dressing a is a misnomer, you do not need to do anything to a turkey in the field under normal circumstances.
  • If it is very hot and you have a long way to go home, then you can remove the entrails, wash out the bird, and stuff it with ice. 
  • Normally you can just take the bird home and prepare it there.
  • It is popular to pluck a turkey and preserve the skin to cook it whole. That is a great approach, but beginners do not need to invest that kind of time unless you want to.
  • The fastest way is to skin a turkey, then quarter it, and cook each quarter for separate meal. With this approach, you don’t even need to remove the guts.
  • A turkey is just like a big chicken once you start to work on it, thinking about it like that can help you get past any yuck factor.
  • Keep the beard and the fan, and use some borax and/or salt to dry out the little bit of skin still attached. 
  • The beard is a nice trophy. The fan is also a good trophy and it’s something you can use to decorate future decoys.
  • If you are a beginner then you do not need to keep the ends of the wings with the feathers, but some expert hunters do keep these to use for simulating turkey fly down sounds in the woods.

Field Dressing Videos:

Show Notes:

So much has been said and written about the best turkey hunting guns and shells that it can dizzy the head of anyone who hasn’t spent dozens of hours researching and experimenting.  On today’s episode I simplify things and focus in on the best shotguns and loads for beginners. You shouldn’t need a degree in turkey hunting firearms to get started with the sport, it’s a lot easier than most people make it sound.

Take Aways:

  • The best shotgun for turkey hunting is the one you can shoot the best. It doesn’t matter if it’s a 410 or a 10 gauge, what you are the most comfortable and most consistent with is the gun you should use.
  • The best place to start is with the shotgun you already have. Get into the woods and get some experience, that experience will guide you towards the shotgun that fits you best. Research cannot beat experience.
  • If you need to buy something, the best shotgun is a the most cost effective used one you can find. Again, get started, and get experience. If you can find something for $100, get that and get started.
  • Tried and true, cost effective, and mass produced pump shotguns are the Mossberg 500 and the Remington 870. You cannot go wrong with either.
  • If you want a semi-automatic, I recommend the Mossberg 930. It’s cheap, easy to operate, rugged, and I’ve had 100% reliability. And no, Mossberg is not a sponsor of this podcast. 
  • If you have a choice between a wood stock and synthetic stock, get the synthetic. It takes less maintenance, it is more rugged, and you won’t feel bad about scratching it. If you want a show gun or a target gun get wood. If you are a new hunter, plastic makes your life easier.
  • You want a full choke for any shotgun you get. Extra full, or extra extra full can be helpful but you don’t need them to get started. They only provide incremental benefit over a regular full choke anyway.
  • Ideal turkey hunting distance is 25-35 yards. Practice for that, get gear for that.
  • It is very easy to underestimate range, if you practice for 50 yard shots you are likely to take 70 yard shots where there is almost no chance for success.
  • Get a 12 gauge shotgun, between target loads and magnum loads you will find shells that are a good fit for you, whether you need light recoil or want high power.
  • You want #6, #7, or #8 shot.  Bigger shot (smaller numbers) means there are fewer pellets in each shell, which means you have fewer chances to hit a turkey’s vitals.
  • Regular, cheap, #7.5 target loads of 2 3/4″ is all you need. Some of the most seasoned turkey hunters on the planet shoot that. And at 35 yards, it’s great.
  • If you want to go bigger, then #6 express loads that are 3″ are the biggest, most powerful that you need.
  • Do not pay more than $1 per shell, you do not need anything more expensive to get started.
  • More powerful shells create more recoil and more noise which means most hunters do not shoot them as accurately, consistently, or enjoyably. The benefits they provide are not worth trade off.
  • You want a shotgun that you can shoot effectively and enjoyably, with affordable shells that use small shot, while hunting at reasonable distances. 
  • Now get into the woods!


Show Notes:

Spring turkey hunting is an adrenaline filled game of skill and quick decisions. One thing every new hunter must have to play the game is a turkey call, and preferably more than one. On today’s episode I help you parse through the endless variety of turkey calls to settle on the best two options for new hunters. 

Take Aways:

  • The more common types of calls include box calls, mouth calls, pot calls, push-pull calls, and wing bone calls. Each has a use and can be the right call in a particular circumstance.
  • Each call is an instrument, some take more practice to get proficient with, and some can do things others can’t. 
  • It is best to have at least two calls with you because not all birds will respond to every call, and some sounds are easier to make on certain calls.
  • I recommend you start by getting a couple cheap calls, after you get your feet wet you will then be able to decide what you like and what fits your style and you can invest in better calls then. 
  • The best call for beginners is the box call, I think it is the easiest call to make high quality turkey sounds at ideal volume levels.
  • The second best call for beginners is the pot call. These come in slate, glass, crystal, aluminum, and probably more.
    • The simple slate is the cheapest and easiest for beginners to make a good turkey sound with. Here is a beginners Slate Call
  • The third best call for beginners is the push-pull call. This is the easiest call to make turkey sounds with by far.
    • But often the volume isn’t high enough to reach birds that are far off and there is really no way to make it quieter or louder. That is the only real downside, without that one drawback this would be number one.
    • But for some people, this may be a better fit for your first call. Here is an example of a beginners Push-Pull Call
  • A mouth call is perhaps the most difficult to master and I recommend beginners do not even touch one unless or until you get some real hunting experience and decide to pursue the sport.


Box Call Example Videos


Slate Call Example Videos


Push-Pull Call Example

Show Notes:

The right turkey hunting gear is more important and more appreciated than in almost any other type of hunting. A turkey hunter must be fully concealed, warm, mobile, nimble, have access to a wide variety of tools, silent, flexible, and able to excel in unexpected circumstances. On today’s episode, I talk about what kind of gear is needed for a beginner, and what you can do without to get started.

Take Aways:

  • You need full camo from head to toe, or at least ankle.
  • Remember turkeys can see all colors, you must not wear anything bright!
  • Never ever wear red, blue or white. These are the colors that a gobbler’s head can have on them in the spring, every hunter in the woods is looking to shoot at things this color.
  • Go with light but sturdy footwear that you can cover ground in. And wear Toe Warmers if it’s cold.
  • Have a pair of light camo gloves and a heavier pair so you can adjust based on temperature.
  • Get a cheap Camo Face Shroud that can cover your head, ears, face and neck.
  • You do not need a turkey vest to get started, but you do need pockets in your coat/jacket and pants.
  • A small camo, brown, or black backpack is usually needed until you can get a turkey vest.
  • You must have a seat to sit on. For mobile hunting get a Cheap Light Ground Cushion or a Deluxe Ground Cushion with Back.
  • For stationary hunting get a nice folding Turkey Ground Chair.
  • Always make sure you have your hunting license, turkey tag, a knife, and some string to attach the tag.
  • Water is worthy of mentioning, you may cover a lot of ground and it’s easy to forget to hydrate.

Show Notes:

To hunt turkeys you must find turkeys. Scouting is a critical part of spring gobbler hunting. On this episode, I talk about the 4 S’s of turkey scouting. These techniques will not just help you find turkeys but identify areas and tactics for optimal hunting. Scouting also gives you another great reason to get outside in the spring! 

Take Aways:

  • Stealth – Turkeys are easily spooked and it can take weeks for them to recover and return to their regular areas.
    • Make sure you are not seen or heard when scouting and do not enter into areas where you think birds are active.
    • Do not probe deeper into an area than you need to, once you identify where the birds are and where is good to hunt, get out and disturb as little as possible.


  • Sign – You can identify turkeys by sight, sound, tracks, droppings, feathers, scratching’s, strut zones, and dustings.
    • These birds are one of the easier types of game to locate as the season approaches because of their sounds and impact on the land.
    • A great times to go out scouting is 12-36 hours after a heavy rain, soft ground makes for more tracks and the dropping you find are likely to be fresher.


  • Sight-line – Watching your angles applies to scouting for birds, but it is very important when it comes to scouting for places to setup and hunt.
    • Ideally you want to limit a turkey’s ability to see you before it comes into shotgun range.
    • With every step you take, scouting and hunting, think where would you setup if a turkey were on it’s way to you. Always look for good cover, good angles and good spots.


  • Safety – As with all hunting, you need to know where your shot has the potential to end up.
    • Turkey’s create unique safety concerns because usually you hunt them on the ground but it is possible to take a shot in the air.
    • Be very mindful of whether it is advisable to take a shot at a flying bird every time you set up.
    • Also remember you want to keep yourself safe from other hunters, be cautious everything you hear, human footsteps and turkey steps can sound very similar. 


Show Notes:

Spring turkey hunting is fun, versatile, and exciting. No matter what your hunting style is, there is a strategy that is a good fit for you. Today I talk about the four major strategies for spring turkey hunting. This is not an exhaustive list, but most spring gobbler hunting approaches will fall under one of these main headings.

Take Aways:

  • The Blind Sit. This approach involves just picking a spot, going there, calling, and spending the morning hoping there are turkeys around that might come in to you. This works best when you have limit scouting time and limited hunting land.
    • A hunting blind can be helpful here.
  • Scout and Sit. A strategy that focuses on finding the best parcel and the best location before the season starts and then hunkering down and spending the morning in the spot you deemed to have the best prospects. This works best if you have enough time to scout and a good handle on the local turkey habits, or if you are unable or unwilling to cover a lot of ground. 
    • A hunting blind can be helpful here.
    • Finding where birds roost and then calling them down to you falls under this category.
  • Running and Gunning. This involves covering a lot of ground using a logging road, gas well road, or some kind of trail you can move quietly and easily on. You stop and call every few hundred yards hoping to strike up a conversation with a gobbler. This works best if you have a lot of land you can hunt, limited scouting time, or arrive in the woods later in the morning.
    • Some people like to use ATV’s for this. Whether it’s legal or not in your area, it destroys the peace of the woods and nullifies the best part of hunting. It is not the way of a true sportsman. 
  • Active Recon. This strategic approach involves getting to a high listening post early, listening for gobblers to sound off before flying down from the roost, weighing the options and moving to get ahead of where you think a bird is going, and then trying to call him into you. This works best if you have a significant amount of land, some hills, and area able to get in the woods before the gobblers wake up. 
    • In some states it is illegal to stalk turkey sounds. This approach is not doing that. It is orienting yourself in the woods to give you the best chance of calling a turkey to you. You are NOT listening for birds and trying to sneak up on them and shoot them, legal or not, that approach just doesn’t work anyway. 
  • There is no right way, wrong way, or best way. It is a matter of finding the best fit for you and the land you are able to hunt. 

Show Notes:

There is no other kind of hunting like spring turkey, or as it is formally called, spring gobbler. I think turkey hunting is a good enough reason to start hunting by itself, and you should try doing it! On today’s episode I talk about how I was introduced to turkey hunting, why it is my favorite type of hunting, and why you should do it too!

Take Aways:

  • Spring is beautiful, it is a wonderful time of year to be outside. Everything comes alive, and spring gobbler season gives you a reason to get out there and hunt one of the most lively animals in the woods during that time of year.
  • Hunting gobblers is active, invigorating, and skillful. You move, you listen, you call, and the birds call back. It’s a ton of fun!
  • It is usually a half day hunt, or a morning hunt so it fits easily into your schedule.
  • It’s a lighter type of  hunting, you don’t need to carry much with you, you can walk further, and turkey’s are not that heavy so it is easy to carry them back.
  • Because you can cover a lot of ground, you can explore, see new places, and scout out places to hunt other game.
  • Spring is warmer, which is more comfortable, and cheaper to dress for.
  • You are used to eating and preparing turkeys. Once the bird is skinned, you are familiar with how to work with it, so it is an easy entry point compared to say butchering a deer.
  • Turkey calling is a fun skill that is easy to start doing but so deep that you can spend a lifetime improving and developing in it.
  • In my opinion, turkey hunting can make you better at many other kinds of hunting because so many of the skills translate to other types of game.

Show Notes:

When most people think about hunting, they don’t think about crows. Many lifelong hunters have never even attempted to go out after them. But crows are one of the most fun types of game to pursue, and may be the single best place for new hunters to get started. On today’s episode I give a brief overview on crow hunting, including why you would do it, why it’s so much fun, the basic gear you need, and the unique aspects of this type of hunting.

Take Aways:

  • Crows are in season for around 10 months of the year, from July to mid April in  my home state of Pennsylvania, and they can be hunted on Sundays when almost nothing else can be.
  • The two main seasons to hunt them are in the middle of winter and the middle of summer because there no other major hunting seasons and so few hunters in the woods.
  • All you NEED is a shotgun and crow call. Camo or black clothing is better but you can get by wearing whatever you have.
  • Crow hunting involves calling crows from high-ish ground and waiting for them to come in within shotgun range.
  • You can hunt them any time of day, no need to wake up early or stay up late. 10:00 AM on a Saturday works perfectly!
  • You don’t need absolute stealth. Sure stealth helps, but this can be a social hunt. You can whisper as you go.
  • Crow hunting helps you scout and explore new places that you might want to hunt in other seasons.
  • Crow hunting gets you outside and active at beautiful times of year.
  • Crows are a pest and a menace animal, they eat crops, they make messes, they hurt farmers. Ever heard of a “scare crow” ? Famers use those to scare crows aware because there aren’t enough crow hunters. You are doing a public service!
  • You do not need to field dress, clean, or do anything with the dead crows. Take a photo or pluck a tail feather and then dispose of them. Or if you make your own arrows or art, pluck a lot of tail feathers.
  • You need no specialized skills for crow hunting, any beginner or group of beginners can do it. You just need a call.
  • Here are some options for crow calls. Inexpensive hand call. Modest electronic callFOXPRO electronic call (the one I use).


Show Notes:

Hunting is a rich, fulfilling sport. But unlike many sports, it is not as easy to tell who is good at it and who isn’t. This has given rise to a discouraging “everyone is a master in their own mind” mentality that far to many hunters share, from beginners to veterans.  On this episode, we talk about how to navigate that attitude in order to fully enjoy the sport without being subject to the opinions and judgements of others. It might not sound like a big deal, but this episode could be the difference between many newer hunters falling in love with the sport or leaving it discouraged.

Take Aways:

  • Every year people quit the sport or never start because of the pressure, attitudes, or superiority complex of other hunters.  This is crazy.
  • Getting a big buck, a long beard turkey, or an elk are all great pursuits. But taking a little buck, a doe, or even a squirrel can be just as fun, and sometimes more challenging. 
  • Hunting is about fun, it is not a competition, and no one has a right to shame anyone. The only person you can honestly compete with is yourself.
  • Just because someone says or lets on that they are a master means nothing. You would be surprised to know how many self proclaimed masters have never even taken the game they claim to be experts on.
  • Experience is valuable, pride is valueless. 
  • Every way of a man is right in his own eyes – Proverbs 21:2.
  • Expect people to tell you their way is the right way, whether it’s even worked for them or not. Listen to them, but then make your own decision.
  • But they, measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise – 2 Corinthians 10:12.
  • Someone who thinks they are a more skilled hunter or a better person because they took a larger buck than you is plain foolishness. It means nothing, don’t even listen to it.
  • Plenty of successful hunters are miserable bitter people. The only thing they enjoy about taking a trophy is boasting about it. Those types of people are not really successful. If you take a trophy without having fun you are a failure. If you hunt and come back empty handed but had fun, then you are truly successful. 
  • If a person, or a forum, or a magazine put pressure and expectations on you and discourage you then walk away from that. Don’t allow it into your ears. People weave their own realities out of the opinions they surround themselves with. 
  • The best hunters, and the best teachers tend to be the humblest men and women. 
  • Pursue what is fun for you, and seek the company of people who enjoy the sport.
  • Get into the woods and enjoy being there, that means more than anything else!