No matter how well we shoot and how good our ammo, there will still be wounded and crippled ducks that need humanely and quickly put down. This is not a fun subject, but it is something all duck hunters need to be aware of. On this episode I talk about various scenarios of wounded ducks and give three different techniques to quickly dispatch them with minimal suffering.
Shotgun patterns are imperfect and are not capable of instantly killing a duck every time, even at reasonable ranges. Compound this with the fact that hunters are not perfect shots, and you will unfortunately have to deal with wounded ducks on a semi regular basis. This can be minimized with practice, more experience judging distance, and high-quality ammunition. But it will still happen from time to time. So, you must be equipped and prepared to deal with it under field conditions.
Wounded ducks may have varying degrees of mobility. They may be able to swim at full speed, above or below water, they may be able to walk or even run on land. They may be able to partially fly, they may even be stunned and able to full fly once they shake it off. To dispatch a wounded duck, you may very well have to catch it first. This is easiest if you have a hunting dog. If not, you will want to be very mobile and able to give chase readily.
One of the biggest lessons I have learned when hunting without a dog is to never take my eyes off a downed bird until I have it in hand. Always recover and deal with downed birds immediately. Never wait. You do not know if a bird is dead or not until you recover it. I have had birds belly up on the water that looked as dead as dead can be and 5 minutes later wake up and try to escape. Get your birds and confirm they are dead.
Do not hesitate to take a follow-up shot if a bird falls to the water but is still mobile. Every second will put the duck further away from you and further from ideal range. The longer you wait, the lower the chances will be of you recovering the bird. This often leads to the bird suffering worse and much longer. We need to avoid this as much as possible.
One you have a crippled bird in hand, there are numerous methods for dispatching the duck. In summary they include:
Swatting Loads
Cervical Dislocation.
A Pithing Tool
Listen to this podcast episode to hear the specifics about those techniques and methods to find the one that works best for you.
Here is thevisual guide for how to humanely dispatch a downed duckthat I mentioned in the episode as well. These are some of the most important skills a waterfowl hunter can take into the field, because treating game with respect and preventing suffering is of the upmost importance.
Always work to judge distance well, to take ethical shots, to pattern test your shotgun, ammo, and choke tube combo, and do not push your limits. The fewer ducks that are crippled the better. but when a bird is wounded you must deal with it quickly. I wish I would have been able to listen to this podcast episode before I started waterfowl hunting. I ran into this issue firsthand and did not know the ideal ways to deal with it, that was not fun. Hopefully you will be better prepared than I was.
I have long been a fan of BOSS Copper Plated Bismuth shotgun shells for hunting waterfowl. I did maybe the most thoroughresearch and review of the shellson the internet. So when BOSS announced that they were releasing a new game changing buffered load I was very excited. I was also a little bit skeptical.
You see, I am a regular hunter who just so happens to have a PhD and a low tolerance for marketing hype trying to help people find out what really works and what doesn’t.
The waterfowl hunting ammunition industry is very competitive, and my testing has shown that often the marketing speaks louder than the results. For anything to be “game changing” it really has to provide significant improvement and innovation. BOSS claimed very directly that their new shells would do that without being significantly more expensive than their original legacy bismuth loads. So, I was ready to put these shells through their paces the moment they became available.
I embarked on a series of pattern tests, ballistics gel tests, choke tests, long range tests, and shell analysis to get the real story. To summarize everything, BOSS delivered on their promise with the new BOSS Warchief shotshells.
Disclaimer: this review is not sponsored or incentivized by BOSS. I have been a BOSS fan and customer for a few years at this point and have hunted with their shells across numerous duck, goose, turkey, and pheasant seasons.
What Makes The BOSS Warchief Different?
BOSS saw an opportunity in the market to develop a bismuth shotshell to extend the maximum range of waterfowl hunters well beyond 40 yards. The biggest change put into place with these loads is the use of biodegradable buffering material. The buffering is like a course powder mixed in with the bismuth pellets in the shot cup.
This cushions the pellets when they are fired which keeps the pellets from bouncing around against each other as they leave the barrel, and it is provides support which keeps the pellets on the bottom of the shot column from deforming as they accelerate from 0 to 1,350 feet per second. This results in a much tighter pattern with fewer flyers and fewer broken pellets.
This makes sense to me. The next claim BOSS made did not though. They said the buffering also results in an additional 8% of ballistics gel penetration. The reason is that some of the pellet’s energy is lost in deformation when you pull the trigger and deformed pellets also fly slower due to being less aerodynamic. So, if you buffer the shot, the pellets do not deform, and you gain more ballistics energy.
Now to put this in context, most of BOSS’s competitors use higher velocities, 1450 fps vs BOSS’s 1350 fps. I did adetailed video comparison on the top bismuth shellson the market, and several other videos beyond this one and found that the faster loads had between 2% and 8% more penetration than the BOSS but with much more recoil. So, this innovation would put BOSS ahead of their competitions in terms of ballistics energy at the target, and with less recoil.
BOSS also designed a special wad to use with the Warchief and obtained the equipment to create the wads in house. So, they have engineered the wad to further improve patterns and they are able to add a chemical to the plastic that enables the shot cups to biodegrade in the field after five years. This does not help performance, but it is a huge step in the right direction and will result in less habitat damage. It also gives some piece of mind because most shot cups are left in the field. If you are newer to the waterfowl ammo landscape, here is a podcast episode I did titled: All About Shotguns & Shells For New Duck Hunters.
Warchief Pellets Per Shell
As soon as the new buffered load was announced people began to speculate if the buffer material would count towards the weight of the shot, thus resulting in fewer pellets per shell to make room for the buffer material. BOSS assured people that this would not be the case and they would not sacrifice pellet count. I’ve heard that before, so one of the first things I did was open up a few shells and count the pellets.
I counted the pellets in the #5, #4, and #3/5 legacy shells and then the new Warchief shells, all for the 2.75″ 1.25 oz loadings. In every pellet size, the Warchief shells had more pellets than advertised, and were equal to the non-buffered legacy loads. BOSS not only stuck to their word, but they over delivered by at least a few pellets in every shell. Being one the few companies out there that give you more than you pay for, in an industry plagued with corner cutting.
BOSS Legacy vs. Warchief Testing
The next step was to take the new shells to range and test them against their equivalent legacy shells to see if we can find any significant improvement in performance. So for the first round of testing, I patterned the legacy shells #5, #4, and #3/5 against the same size Warchief shells. That was a really awesome test and you can watch the entire thing right here:
In short, the Warchief shells did better across the board, resulting in an average 22% increase in pattern density. That is massive. With the Carlson’s Bismuth Bone Buster extended range choke tube that I tested, I got an average pattern efficiency of 89% across all three shot sizes with the Warchief, vs. 74% with the original legacy shells. The impact of this is big, and I’ll talk more about it when I get to the long-range testing.
When it came to ballistics gel penetration, I tested the legacy #4 against the Warchief #4 and the new shells came out ahead with an extra 7.8% more ballistics gel penetration, almost exactly what BOSS promised. I was more than a little impressed when I ran the math. The Warchief performed very well in every test I did. But the shells did even more impressively when I began the second round of testing.
Warchief Choke & Pattern Testing
The next thing to do was test the Warchief through a variety of chokes and choke constrictions to find what works best with it. So I ran it through 9 different choke tubes, and counted over 1,500 pellets to try and find the best combination. To make a long story and awesome video short, the tighter the constriction, the better it performed. You can check out that video right here:
I do not want to spoil the entire video, but I was able to find a choke tube that gave me 101% pattern efficiency. Now that shouldn’t be possible, but like I said earlier, BOSS packs a few bonus pellets into these shells so I was able to get more pellets in a 30″ circle at 40 yards than are advertised as being in the shells. Those are some tight patterns!
Then came the long-range testing. And suffice to say, with 101% pattern efficiency at 40 yards, I was still able to get enough pellets on paper to kill a duck at 60 yards. The ballistics gel penetration at that range was also sufficient! That video and the exact details are coming some. Be sure tofollow me on YouTube to know when it launches.
2.75″ vs. 3″ Shells
As of this writing, the Warchief only comes in two options for 12-gauge shotguns, the 1.25 oz in 2.75″ in shells and the 1.5 oz in 3″ shells. Stepping up to the larger 3″ shells gives you 20% more pellets but it comes at the cost of 5% more cash and about 30% more recoil. And that recoil increase is very significant. I was able to shoot the 2.75″ shells effortlessly, but the 3″ packed a much more noticeable wallop on the shoulder.
Which of the two loadings is best will depend on you, your hunting style, and how much you plan to shoot. For most average hunters going afield in normal conditions with the expectation of shooting decoying birds, the 2.75″ shells are all you could ever want. There is no reason to use the 3″ shells, you cannot kill the birds any deader than what the shorter shells can do.
For hunting late season geese with #2s, jumping hunting birds from afar, or long-range pass shooting, you will be able to make use of the extra shot the 3″ shells give you, and you will likely be shooting less which makes it a bit easier on the shoulder. But honestly, the patterns are so efficient that the 2.75″ shells are putting more pellets in the 30″ circle than many other 3″ shells. They are very potent. Very few wasted pellets.
Competitors & Pricing
I hate listing prices because they can change so fast as the season comes and goes but when I wrote this, here are real market prices from mainstream retailers on the top bismuth loads on the market, these are for 3″, as close to 1.5oz as possible.
HEVI Bismuth = $2.12
Winchester Bismuth = $2.40
Kent Bismuth = $2.60
BOSS Warchief = $2.14 (Program members pay $1.68)
The retail price for BOSS Warchief puts it on the lower end of the bismuth price spectrum. And its patterning and ballistics performance is equal to or better than all the competitors, and it boasts nontoxic buffer material with the biodegrading wad at no extra cost, along with copper plated shot. However, for BOSS Program members, the cost for the Warchief is drastically lower and puts it at the lowest on the market by a wide margin.
The BOSS VIP Program is their customer loyalty initiative. Program members pay an annual fee to join and get discounts on shells ordered, free shells of their choice, new products in development for testing, swag, exclusive access to sales and restocked items, and numerous other benefits. There is a significant sunk cost but program members who buy a lot of shells report the program typically pays for itself very fast while providing all the other benefits. I am a paying program member myself.
Conclusions & Recommendations
The BOSS Warchief is a game changer for long range waterfowl hunting. For the price, they are the most effective shell on the market and provide outstanding performance while leaving biodegrading buffer material and shot cups in the woods that will utterly vanish. Being able to get 100% patterns at will is unbelievable, and having more penetration with less recoil than the competition is a huge bonus as well. Check out the newBOSS Warcheif shotshellsfor yourself. As a note, BOSS sent me these shells at my request to do this review, and Carlson’s sent me the choke tube, thanks to them for their support.
Till next time. God bless you, and go get em in the woods!
George Konetes Ph.D. – Founder and Host of the New Hunters Guide.
The New Hunters Guide is simply what George wishes he would have had when learning how to hunt; a single place to get practical hands on knowledge about different kinds of hunting, gear, strategy, and tips that can improve your comfort and fun factor in the woods.
Duck decoys range from $40 to $400 a dozen, and beyond. Are the fancy duck decoys better? If so, by how much? On this episode I talk about the differences between cheap and expensive duck hunting decoys to help you understand how to weigh the pros and cons of each to make informed decisions.
Keep in mind, for generations hunters carved crude decoys from wood, used painted milk jugs, and improvised their own decoys out of whatever rudimentary materials that could find or create that would float for awhile. And these decoys worked reasonably well. Even the cheapest decoys on the market today are drastically better than what most hunters used throughout waterfowl hunting history. We are a little bit spoiled today with the caliber of simple and low-cost options available. So, are expensive decoys really that much better?
There are three main areas that expensive decoys give you advantages over cheaper decoys. They are detail, durability, and technology.
Detail refers to both the paint job and the life like diversity of different duck positions. Cheaper decoys often all look identical while more expensive ones have a variety of posses that make them appear more lifelike.
Durability is a factor of two different areas. One is making the decoys sink resistant and the other is the durability of the paint and finish. Only one of these is a legitimate point to consider when it comes to cheap vs. expensive decoys.
Technology is a bit more complex. Because ducks can see certain colors and spectrums that people cannot, some decoys are designed to be more visible to ducks in low light but people cannot see those differences with our eyes. Expensive decoys sometimes come setup with this technology.
The big question is how much difference can expensive decoys make in these areas to be worth their price tag? Are $400 decoys really 10x better than $40 decoys? The simple answer is no, of course not. The more you pay, the less you get. It is a system of diminishing returns. However, if you pay more, you do get more. You just do not get a lot more. So the hunter able to pay large sums of money for the best decoys does get better decoys but they are only a little bit better.
So, is it worth it? Only you can decide that. You need to listen to this entire podcast episode to get all of the information you need to judge the pros and cons of expensive decoys and decide which decoys are best for you to use.
The best weather conditions for buck movement vary as the hunting season goes on. Weather, time of day, and time of season all work together to create ideal situations for whitetails to move. On this episode I focus on the weather and seasonal conditions that promote deer movement.
Too often deer hunters go into the woods and see nothing. Any good hunt starts with good scouting, and indeed that has been the subject of many of my previous deer hunting episodes. But if you have a good spot and still see nothing, that may very well be a factor of being there on poor weather days that inhibit deer movement. Understanding this little piece of information can completely change the way you hunt and how effective you are in the woods.
There are three main factors that work together to determine ideal times for buck movement. Time of season, weather conditions, and relative temperature. Think about it, deer live outside, and they like to move and feed under certain conditions. If you can learn the basics of each factor, you can put them together to predict the best hunting days with fairly good accuracy.
Time of Season – Deer movement patterns change as the season goes on. This is affected by how deer relate to the mating season, the change in weather, and change in habitat as soft cover dies with frost and things change as winter approaches.
Weather Conditions – Deer are greatly affected by changing weather conditions. They are no less sensitive to the weather than we are. Understanding how weather effects deer behavior will enable you to predict which weather days are the best for deer hunting.
Relative Temperature – As fall comes and deer begin to grow in thicker fur, they are much more sensitive to high temperatures. When it is hot, they are much less likely to move until the colder times of day. But when colder days comes, the crisp temperatures can be liberating to big bucks, freeing them from overheating to move around more during daylight.
The big key to picking the best days to hunt deer are putting these three factors together. Understanding the right time of day based on the part of the season you are in, picking days with the ideal changes in relative temperature, and looking for specific micro weather conditions that best contribute to deer movement.
You can take deer on any day of the hunting season, at any time of day, and during any weather conditions. But your chances increase dramatically if you pick the best days and conditions. And if your time to hunt is limited, this information can help you pick the best possible days for deer movement.
Listen to the full podcast episode to get all of the information!
There is no shortage of companies trying to convince deer hunters that they will take more deer if they buy something. The marketing is so overt and overwhelming that you could easily think you can spend your way to success in the woods. The truth is, there are precious few things you can buy that will make any difference in the number of deer you take. On this podcast episode I help you sort through the tide of marketing so you can make informed purchase decisions.
You can break down most deer hunting gear into three main categories, needs, comforts, and novelties.
There are very few true needs for the whitetail deer hunter. I consider a need to be anything you must have to optimize your chances of success for your hunting setup. If you are hunting in a tree, you need a tree stand. If you are hunting in archery season, you need clothing that provides some level of concealment to get in close, etc. What you do not need is a $500 tree stand or a $1,000 set of super high end camouflage gear. Needs are basic boxes that need checked to hunt a certain way, and it is a short list of boxes. A $100 tree stand fills the role of a need, a $500 tree stand is merely adding comfort, it may be nice but it will not help you take more deer.
Many companies try to market comforts as needs. And it is no wonder why, they want you to feel compelled to buy their stuff. But if you recognize comforts what for they truly are, you will make much better decisions. Comforts do not really help you take more deer, they simply make hunting more comfortable. In some rare cases they can help you take more deer by virtue of enabling you to keep hunting under conditions that would have sent you home otherwise. This is worthy of mention.
Often a full set of Sitka Gear is just going to make the hunt more comfortable and ergonomic, except when extreme cold, wind, or rain would send you home and insulated GORTEX lets you stay a few more hours and get a shot at a nice buck. So in some instances, comforts can make a difference in the field. Most of the time the $2,000 rifle cannot do anything more than the $400 rifle, but it is more ergonomic and fun to shoot. However sometimes the cheap rifle scope fogs up when you need it and the high performance one does not. So, every now and then spending the money matters, but often it just makes hunting a little nicer.
Novelties include just about everything else from things that have some value to thing that are complete gimmicks. On the market there are endless calls, scents, scent blockers, scent killers, scent proof clothing, special knives, special drag ropes, special bait, special laundry detergent, and much more. These are things that sometimes may help, sometimes they do nothing, and sometimes they hurt. Yes, it can be helpful sometimes to have grunt call, but usually it makes no difference. No, you should not wash your gear in scented detergent, but to spend double on hunting laundry detergent that is the same as the regular stuff minus the added scent is a product of sheer marketing.
No matter the gear in question, always remember the marketing will paint it in the best light possible. You have to realistically evaluate everything with a healthy dose of skepticism. Look at the functional role a piece of gear will play and critically evaluate why you think it might somehow enable you to take more deer.
Listen to this podcast episode to hear much, much more.
It is easy to get stuck in one approach to deer hunting and simply stick with the strategy that has worked for you in the past. Being a well-rounded whitetail hunter is a noble cause but there are practical benefits to being proficient in different strategies. On this episode I talk about how to make the most of every hunting opportunity by looking at four different ways to hunt deer and when to do each.
Ambush Hunting
Many whitetail deer hunting strategies can be grouped under ambush hunting. Using one method or another, you are laying in wait, as inconspicuous as possible, ready for a deer to walk into a shooting lane for you to ambush it. This is done with rifle hunting, archery, shotgun, and just about everything else. Ambush hunting can be broken down into two main types, the prepared ambush and the improvised ambush.
Prepared Ambush
This involves scouting, land management, advanced planning, and everything that goes into selecting a hunting location in advance. Whether you spend a day or a year preparing to hunt from a particular spot, it is a preselected ambush location, possibly a tree stand, ground blind, or some other type of concealment strategy, if not just leaning up against a tree. This is sometimes done well on public land, but it is most often going to be private land where you can control hunting pressure and habitat to some degree.
Improvised Ambush
The improvised ambush involves going afield, looking for sign or a good location, and setting up to ambush deer that you believe will come through that spot. The location is not preplanned, and you are selecting it based on sign you find in the field right now. This is most often done on public land or large tracts of private land where you do not as much control over the habitat or hunting pressure.
Active Hunting
Active hunting is the other major category for hunting whitetails. This involves the hunter being on the move and trying to put yourself within firing range of a deer. There are two primary types of active hunting I discuss in this episode, still hunting and strategic location hunting.
Still Hunting
Still hunting is a type of active hunting that involves walking through the woods slowly, trying to catch deer unaware. It takes a lot of skill to do well, and perfect conditions to do great. But this is still an effective strategy for people of all experience levels. It works particularly well when there are other hunters in the woods pushing deer around. It is most often done on public lands but may also be done on large pieces of private land.
Strategic Locations
This form of active hunting involves stealthily slipping from one high potential area or another, sneaking to a vantage point from which you hope to be able to get a shot at deer. These could be a series of locations with various draws for deer like feeding areas, water, bedding, browsing areas, etc. This is most often done on public land but it can be very effective on private land as well, if you do not overdo it and spook out the deer.
Listen to the whole podcast episode for all the details and when to use each strategy.
To hunt black bears you have to find them. This type of hunting is a little different than deer or turkey hunting, scouting matters ALOT more. Bears are not as prevalent as other game and just because an area looks good for bears does not mean that they live there or are anywhere close. You must put in the time to find them before the season starts to maximize you chances of success ,and on this podcast episode I am going to help you learn how to do just that!
Scouting for black bears requires some time investment but strategy matters even more. Bears need to eat and they love to hide, so the first thing you want to do is identify potential food sources that are likely to attract bears. Keep in mind these change depending on the season and regions you are hunting. Good food today may not be good food next week.
Then you want to find these kinds of food sources within reasonable proximity to heavy dense cover that the bears can disappear in. If you can locate these two things then you have the key variables needed to justify some scouting, NOT HUNTING. These findings are not enough to warrant a hunt, they are only sufficient to justify scouting. Many of these types of areas will hold no bears. You need to go there and scout first, before you hunt.
4 Strategies for Black Bear Scouting
Bear tracks are the simplest and most straight forward sign you will find but they are not as prevalent as you might think. Bears are big heavy animals, but they have very large paws, with much more surface area than the points of a deer foot. They will only leave tracks if the ground is very soft, wet, or muddy. Bear tracks are only about 10% of the sign that you are likely to find. However, you can learn a lot about the size of a bear and how recently it was in the area based on the tracks.
Bear droppings are more prevalent. These are big animals that eat a lot and leave a lot of droppings. If bears are around, you should be able to find bear droppings for sure. With just a little bit of research you can also determine the approximate diet of the bears based on their droppings. And if you can learn what they are eating you can also determine what food sources to find and camp out around. This is a great strategic win that can really help you.
Bear activity can include tearing up berry bushes, ripping up tree bark, breaking open fallen logs, flipping over rocks, and much more, all in search of soft plants, tree bark, honey, ants, or other forms of nutrients. Bears are not subtle, and can leave a wake of disruption and destruction. If you keep your eyes open, you should easily be able to tell the relative size and recency of such activity if you come across it.
Bear bedding areas are hard to find and search because they are so dense and thick. Rather than try to get into the bedding areas, likely leaving scent that spooks the bears out of them, you should focus on identifying areas with ideal bedding spots. This are very dense, cool, dark places that the bears can retreat to and disappear. If you do stumble into a bedding area, one of the clearest signs will usually be some bear fur left behind on the ground.
Listen to this podcast episode for much more detail and information on how to scout for black bears!
If lead hunting ammunition is banned how big of an issue will it be in the hunting world? Are there viable non-toxic ammo options available? How can you keep hunting turkeys, pheasants, doves, deer, and everything else without lead ammo? What do you need to do in order to weather the storm? On this episode I talk about what is likely to happen if the ban occurs and what you can do to prepare so you are able to keep hunting without disruption.
Will lead ammo be banned? I think so, at some point. I do not know if that is a month away, a year, or 10 years off, but I think at some point it will happen. The subject of whether or not lead ammo should be banned and all the politics and environmental concerns behind it is not something I am addressing in this podcast episode. I am focused on the simple practical things hunters need to know and do to transition from lead to non-toxic shot options to keep hunting.
The solutions are different for every game species. For waterfowl hunting, we have been lead free for over 30 years, and finally the market has innovated some good alternatives. All other game ammo will benefit from this innovation, and waterfowl ammo can easily be adapted to hunt all game birds. The obstacle here is cost, since nontoxic loads are more expensive than lead hunting ammo. But I think eventually we’ll get used to the additional cost.
The biggest issue with a lead ban will be the transition period. Reasonable and even good options exist with steel shot, bismuth shot, tungsten super shot, and copper bullets, among others. But if every hunter in America, or even just a handful of states has to drop their lead and pick up non toxic ammo, it is going to be very difficult and expensive to find legal ammo, probably for a few years as supply, demand, and manufacturing capabilities struggle to keep up and adjust. If you want to avoid this difficult eventuality, you need to make preparations in advance.
Performance decrease for alternative ammo is a lesser concern, and in time I think it will not be a concern at all. For shotguns, TSS ammo is superior to lead already, for just about everything, it just costs a lot more. Bismuth ammo is very similar to lead’s performance capabilities and costs more, but not as dramatically more as tungsten.
When it comes to rifles, the copper bullets of today offer comparable performance to lead at regular hunting ranges for a little more cost. Where they lack performance is at extended range but this will not impact most hunters at all. And chances are, before long, new long range non-toxic bullets will be developed that have no performance deficit.
I do not think it is a matter of if lead ammo is going to be banned, it is just a matter of when, and how suddenly it will occur. Ideally there will be a large period of time, maybe a five-year window given to transition over to alternative materials. This will give manufactures and hunters time to get geared up. But more than likely it will be more abrupt and there will be great supply chain issues as everyone tries to make the shift all at once.
This is why all hunters should secure some non-toxic ammo now. Not cases and cases of it, but enough to last a couple of hunting seasons so you can weather any storm or shortage and be able to hunt without hindrance no matter what occurs in the hunting ammunition marketplace.
Listen to the whole podcast episode to hear all of the details.
People rarely ask this question at the right time and for the right reason. Hunting gear decisions are driven by marketing and wishful thinking instead of honest objective strategy. On this episode I am going to help you assess when you should upgrade each piece of gear you have, why you should do it, in what order, and how to maximize your budget and even improve your health!
When it comes to hunting gear, I like to work to plug the lowest hole in the bucket. This means you look for the piece of gear that is the weakest link in the chain, causing you the most problems, discomfort, or hindrance. Then you strategically work to replace that piece of gear for something better. If something is holding you back, forcing you to end hunts early, causing you pain over the days that follow, or keeping you from being able to go out into the conditions you need to, that is what you focus on.
Marketing Is Not A Reason
Most people are led by marketing and gotta-have-it syndrome. They think they are being strategic; they talk themselves into it, rationalizing how great a shiny new piece of equipment is and how it will make them a better hunter and change their lives, but their expectations are unrealistic. They aren’t thinking clearly and end up buying things that don’t make much difference, do not enable them to do anything more, or maybe it really is a great purchase, but it is something they will just rarely use.
Strategic upgrades are done keeping the big picture in mind. They are not impulse buys and are not things you charge up on credit cards. They are items you plan for, save for, and wait for the right moment to buy. You may wait nine months for the right sale to come along, you may save up for the entire off season and then wait for the pre-season sale to that you have a hunch will come before you purchase. You may use these and many more strategies to get the right pieces of gear at the right time.
Take The Right Size Steps
Also, you do not need to upgrade straight from hodge podge improvised gear directly to expensive top-level equipment. Maybe you decide to upgrade you $5 bargain base layers to $50 Cabela’s base layers, instead of going straight for $150 merino wool First Lite base layers or Sitka Gear. It is not about brands; it’s about improving your setup and enabling you to hunt more and more comfortably.
You always want to look for the weakest link in the chain, whether it’s your parka, pants, boots, gloves, hat, base layers, or any of the other many things used to hunt. Think about which piece should be upgraded next, why, and how often will you use that new piece. Focus on items you use frequently and make the biggest difference.
Here all the details by listening to this podcast episode.
Do you want to take more game home? On this episode I am going to cover the single most important thing you can do to improve your hunting success rate. In short, I am talking about practice, specifically sporting clays practice, thought trap shooting and skeet can be helpful as well. This is mainly for shotgun hunters but there is also some application for rifle hunters as well. No gear you can buy will help you more than realistic practice. Skills will always trump equipment.
In my experience, the average wing shooter takes home about 30% of the birds they shoot at. Some are better, some are worse. A better shotgun will not do much to improve this. Better ammo will only do so much. Better base layers, camouflage, gloves, calls, etc, will do almost nothing to help this average. The single biggest thing that will help is practice. And that just so happens to be the single most overlooked thing that hunters do and spend money on…
If you want to take more game, you need to practice more. That involves trap shooting, skeet shooting, and most importantly sporting clays shooting. All center around shooting at a clay disc out of the air, often referred to as a clay pigeon. These clay targets can be easily purchased at many big box stores for somewhere around $10 per 100.
Trap Shooting involves clay targets that are launched away from the shooter at various angles to simulate a bird flushing and flying away. It gets its name from historical practice that was once done when the shooter would call “pull” and someone would pull the pin holding the trap door shut on a cage and thus allowing real birds to flush away from the cage as target practice.
Skeet Shooting essentially involves firing at clay targets passing or crossing in front of the shooter, similar to real birds passing by or being flushed by a dog or another party. The name “skeet” is believed to come from the Norwegian word “skyte” which means “shoot.”
Sporting Clays has some similarities to golf as it is a multi-position or hole course. No two courses are identical and often contain 20 positions with a total of 100 clay targets on a full course. Each position features multiple clays launched from various angles, and directions, all unique, simulating a wide range of real-world hunting situations from ducks to pheasants, grouse, doves, and many more.
Each sport is great fun and has great value. But I do believe that sporting clays provides the best hunting practice out there. And the variety of courses adds great realism and infinite shooting possibilities to simulate real hunting conditions.
Typically sporting clays courses cost between $40-$75 for a full 20 position course with 100 clay targets, plus the cost of ammunition. So realistically, you are looking at around $100 per outing. This is not cheap, but neither are the many highly marketed products that hunters pour money into every year for minimal benefit.
I would recommend you toss $10 a paycheck into your sporting clays jar and go practice 2-3 times a year to start. The skills you gain will be valuable for a lifetime, and even if they dull some over time, picking it back up is a lot like riding a bicycle. This will do more to improve your percentage of shots fired to birds taken home than anything else you can spend money on.
Get out there and get some practice. Listen to the full podcast episode for more!