Show Notes:

Hunting for deer antler sheds is fun and rewarding and it can be enjoyed by the whole family. On this episode I talk about five reasons to get out and make the most of this great past time. I also cover some of the basics of how antlers grow and what we can learn from them.

Take Aways:

    • Antlers have intrinsic value but they also have cultural value. Throughout history they have been sought after.
    • Deer antlers have a lot of uses, perhaps more today than ever before.
    • Make sure to review your local laws about whether it is legal to buy, sell, or trade antlers. 
    • Finding sheds gives you very helpful and unique hunting intelligence that cannot be learned otherwise in most cases.
    • In some areas antler sheds can be devoured by squirrels and other animals within days, while in other habitats they may survive for months or longer. So periodic scouting throughout the prime season is ideal.
    • In most parts of the country, prime antler shed season for deer is mid January to mid March.
    • Antler sheds give you a great picture of the diversity of buck ages in a given area.
    • It is best to scout for sheds when there is no snow on the ground unless the snow has been there for a long time and fresh sheds may be laying on top of it.


Show Notes:

Coyotes have super powers when it comes to their sense of smell and there is no way to go head-to-head with them in that area and win. On today’s episode I talk about how to overcome their greatest advantage. 

Take Aways:

  • Coyotes sense of sight is not better than yours, at least not in daylight. You can see more colors and with more clarity.
  • Coyotes sense of hearing is good but it is overridden by their sense of smell.
  • Coyotes can smell many times better than humans, and they have sense of smell super powers that go beyond sensitivity.
  • Learn more and what to do on this episode. 

Not all coyotes are created the same, and not all are in the same stage of life. On this episode I talk about the three main types of coyotes and the tactics you can use to hunt them.

They may all be of the same species, maybe even the same family of coyotes but their habits put them into different categories, and they behave almost like different animals to some extent. These predators can subsequently be hunted in different ways, almost as if they are different game entirely.

    • Home Range Coyotes. These animals that have made their home in a specific range. They will mark it, patrol it, defend it, and hunt for food there. Learn how to hunt them by listening in.
    • Dispersing Coyotes. These younger coyotes are being pushed out of an area by the alphas because there isn’t enough room or food for all of them. They are looking for a new home.
    • Transient Coyotes. These savvy lone dogs never settle down and are constantly on the move. They are ever looking for new places.

They way you hunt these different types of coyotes varies considerably, it is not a one method fits all approach. If you are able to identify the coyotes in your area, then you can tailor your hunting tactics to them in order to have the highest possible measure of success with each hour spent in the woods.

There is also a lot to consider here when it comes to pest control. Certain types of coyotes may not be a problem at all and they do not warrant taking any steps to hunt, trap, or drive away. Others on the other hand can become a serious nuisance or worse and warrant very definitive action to protect livestock, game, or even your family.

You can often identify these coyotes with trail camera footage if you are able to place cameras in some key areas. Just because you see a coyote from time to time does not mean you have a problem or even a huntable animal. Some coyotes are just passing through and may never return to your property ever again. 

Listen to the whole podcast episode to learn more about the three different kinds of coyotes.

Show Notes:

Bait can be a powerful tool for coyote hunting and other predators when used right, but it can be a liability when used wrong. On this episode I talk about whether you can hunt predators with bait, whether you should, and how you can get started.

Take Aways:

  • Can you hunt coyotes with bait? In many states yes, it is totally legal. Be sure to check your local laws.
  • Should you hunt them with bait? Philosophically, usually. When it comes to safety, that depends on where you live, listen to learn more.
  • How can you start hunting with bait? This all boils down to what should you use for bait, where do you put it, and when should you place it there.