Show Notes:

The goal of orange gear is to keep you safe in the woods, but it can be a drain on the wallet. On this episode I talk about the most versatile, most cost effective, and most concealing blaze orange strategy for new hunters.

Take Aways:

  • Blaze orange jackets and coats look great, fit great, and work great. But you don’t need to buy half a dozen orange coats so you can comfortably hunt in all weather conditions. 
  • You do not need to end up with a closet full of orange coats that really cannot be used for any other purpose.
  • Sure they make cheap little orange vests but they make noise, look bad, fit bad, cover your pockets, and don’t last long.
  • Solid orange baseball caps create a liability for deer hunting, there are better and equally cheap alternatives.
  • Download and listen to this episode to learn more and get the full blaze orange gear strategy.


Show Notes:

There is no shortage of great marketing in the deer hunting industry and it can be difficult to sort out what is useless, what is useful, and what is really needed. On this episode I share 10 items that new hunters do not need to worry about researching, spending money on, or longing for.

Take Aways:

  1. Long range precision rifles. These guns have their place, but new hunters have no need to spend this kind of money on a gun they are unlikely to be able to fully utilize where and how they hunt.
  2. $40 boxes of ammo. Deer are not that hard to take down. All you need is average ammunition for the conditions that most new hunters will encounter. 
  3. Scents and cover scents. New hunters are more likely to use scents to create a problem than a benefit, and there is so much more you can do to improve scent control by simply being careful and thoughtful. Pass on these for the first couple years at least.
  4. Listen to the episode to hear numbers 4-10.

Show Notes:

When it comes to deer hunting, it is critically important for your bullet to deliver a clean and fast kill. The bullet matters for you and for the animal. On this episode I cover the basics of deer hunting bullets and what new hunters need to know.

Take Aways:

There are three major categories of deer bullets.

  • Cup and core bullets make up the majority of the market, and while there are many variations and proprietary features, the general concept is a jacket holds a lead bullet together to control its expansion and penetration. It is a good type of a bullet that will get the job done. The downside may be less power and accuracy at extreme range.
  • Ballistic tips are essentially plastic or polymer tipped and give you a more aerodynamic bullet that delivers more speed, less bullet drop, and better accuracy at long range. If there is a downside, it is that bullet expansion and penetration may vary a lot at short and long rang. The bigger issue is these kinds of bullets may lead hunters to think they are better long range marksmen than they really are…
  • Multi stage bullets have a forward section that provides quick expansion and a rear section that holds together to provide more penetration. These bullets are important and very effective for taking bigger game like elk, bear, or moose. They are generally more than you need for deer but they will of course work well.


Show Notes:

Some deer hunting principles are universal and some apply more specifically to the rut. In this episode I share the story of a great hunt and the 5 strategies that enabled me to take a buck this year during the peak rut.

Take Aways:

    1. Location, Location, Location. Almost nothing matters more than where you decide to setup. But the strategies you use all year to judge a good location need to change for the peak rut.
    2. Habitat Improvements. Small efforts that have a small impact on deer movement can have a big pay off come the rut.
    3. Always Mind The Wind. The wind is the friend of those who consider it, and the it is the enemy of everyone else.
    4. Scent Control. Small, free, thoughtful actions can make the difference between a good hunt and empty woods. 
    5. Knowing when to be still and when to move. One wrong move can literally ruin a hunt, and even a whole day. 


Show Notes:

Deer calls are very popular and many types exist which can overwhelm a new hunter. This episode does two helpful things, it reassures new hunters that you don’t need any calls to be effective and we cover the four main types of deer calls and when those may be helpful.

Take Aways:

  • Rattle calls mimic the sound of two bucks locking antlers in a fight or sparring match. 
  • Bleet calls mimic the sound a doe makes during the mating season.
  • Snort wheeze calls imitate a challenge that one mature buck may issue to another.
  • Grunt calls try to arouse a deer’s curiosity by letting them know there are unexpected deer over here.
  • Overall, calling is likely to be more of a liability to new hunters than a benefit. I do not recommend you include calls in your hunting strategy.
  • Calling is a risk, it draws attention to the hunter and often arouses suspicion in deer, you need to weigh the pros and cons before doing it.